Friday, June 14, 2019

Paper Plate UFO Frisbee

Here's how to make a simple Paper Plate UFO Frisbee!
You only need 2 paper plates, a styrofoam ball, tape (we used masking), staples/stapler, scissors, and something to decorate with (ie. markers, crayons, stickers, etc.).

Begin by cutting your styrofoam ball in half. this is MESSY, but it's also kind of fun. It will look like your workspace was in a blizzard with all of the styrofoam flakes, but there's also something satisfying about cutting into what's basically a ball of confetti. If you cut evenly enough, one ball should be able to provide for two UFOs. 


Designate one plate to be the top of the UFO, and one to be the bottom. Cut out a circle from the center of your 'top' plate. The circle should be about the same size as your styrofoam dome (our styrofoam balls are about 4" in size, so the holes we cut were just under 4").

Place the styrofoam half over the hole in your plate. You'll want to make sure the plate shape curves downward, and the dome sits on what would normally be the bottom of the plate.
Tape across the hole to secure the styrofoam in place. 
If this doesn't feel secure enough for you, feel free to tape along the bottom edge of the dome on the other side. This will help hold everything in place, but is a lot harder to hide. 

Set your second plate (right side up) underneath the pieces you just taped. Secure these together with staples around the outer edge (I used a total of 4 staples, but that number is super flexible). 


Once the frisbee is assembled, decorate it however you like! We just used markers to add windows and random details to jazz it up. Customize it any way you want!

The materials for this UFO are pretty soft and light, making it extra fun to fly!

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